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Does the acoustics of a space impact productivity?

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Your success depends on giving your guests or employees the best possible experience by creating an ambiance that makes them linger, stay & enjoy the time spent.

Creating an ambience takes many elements; each element counts colour, textures, furniture, space layout, fragrance, and sound.

SOUNDSCAPE is an element most designers and architects establish in retrospect. Materials form Shapes…from Shapes, we evolve Structures, and Structures define the Sonic Ambience.

How does your space sound?

Engaging? Allows for easy conversations. Reverberant? or just noisy?

No matter the definition of space, you want your space to be inviting in every possible way, offering an experience that is recalled with fondness.

Victorian windows, open ceilings, and high ceilings in Open offices tend to be resource-intensive, resulting in a poor energy signature of the space in the present times where climate change, together with sustainability, and global warming, has assumed significance in infrastructure design and planning.

Is there a recipe to optimize the design solution?

Regulated Acoustic treatment offers the answer, though it needs to be tailored to each space in line with the design and application for favourable outcomes.

Let’s explore some common areas we encounter to understand this better.

Open Offices

Open Offices

Open offices are great for collaborative work culture, team bonding, and maximizing space utilization but can be an acoustic challenge. From whispers to gossip, from conversations to discussions amongst employees together with copiers/ printers/ ringing phones result in high floor noise that is disturbing and distracting, leading to fatigue, irritability, low productivity, poor morale, and high attrition.

Using acoustic ceiling panels with appropriate acoustic insulation would be a good start. Using acoustic screen panels could further help create the right balance between isolation and sound clarity.

Open ceilings

A commonplace occurrence in eating joint restaurants, fast food joints These are spaces where you want customers to linger, converse and relax. The more time they spend, the higher the possible ticket value. Here the most cost-effective way to improve speech intelligibility & privacy per table could be wall & ceiling acoustic panels creatively that add to the design and deliver the desired results.

Open Ceilings

High Ceilings

High Ceilings

More often than not, transportation spaces, Foyers, Atria and hotel lobbies support high ceilings. These are also areas where speech intelligibility, together with Sonic Ambience, is a mandate. You want to enhance the customer experience, not add to anxiety and fatigue.  

The use of drop ceilings (Architectural Acoustic Clouds) and acoustic panels on walls are a few options to create the acoustic signature of the space.

To sum it up…

No matter what space neglecting, soundscaping is not an option as it impacts the customer experience. As you explore acoustic panels for correcting your room’s acoustic signature, look at options that help add to the wellness of the inhabitants. Strawcture Agribiopanels provide the perfect answer with a 40+db sound insulation and the inherent characteristic of sequestering co2, the lowest VOC they lend to cleaner and healthier indoor air. In addition, it offers a portfolio of acoustic panel options for various applications. Take your pick depending on your requirement. Grooved joints, wherein acoustic

panels are supplied in the form of modular slats with special sound absorption characteristics;

Perforated Panels for good acoustic absorption. A range of perforated panels is available

that address different levels of acoustic absorption requirements, consult the Agribiopanel specialist to find the fit for your requirement.

BioPanel Solutions with Rockwool for areas requiring extra insulation, and finally, there are customized patterns that are designed and tailored to the customer’s requirement.

Thus, no matter the space, it has never been easier to ensure poor acoustics is not behind a poor customer experience.